Holistic Health: the notion of the massive concept should ignite you. We have been collectively addressing “health” as “the absence of disease,” but it has much more importance and worthy of gratitude than that. Holistic health shows us that in reality, wellness is a measure of vibrancy, vitality, and exuberance — it’s a measure of how well we’re living and a measure of happiness.
Take the Happiness Archetype Quiz to find out what YOU need to be happy.
Health isn’t a zero mark on the scale of disease. Real health is a measure of how high on scale of wellbeing you can go! Gratitude is an important part of the equation that will get you soaring into the plusses.
Holistic health is the beacon that lights our path toward any of our big goals. Gratefulness is the path.
We’re going to talk about the importance of gratitude in life and the ways you can invite the light of holistic health, thankfully, to shine brightly to guide you in your life.
Holistic Health is Happiness
Health and happiness… is there anything more important to you, or more worthy of gratitude, than this massive concept? Holistic wellness… is there any more worthwhile goal? There is so much information out there on what you need to do to be holistically healthy and happy, but they all fall a little short on the directions! I’m going to tell you HOW.
Even in this convoluted world of holistic health and wellness info, we all know what we need to do to be healthy, happy, vibrant, and fully alive. I started my brands (LaLee Lifestyle, UpRoots Wellness & the NEW Sustainable Dreams University) to show people exactly how to do it.
It’s my job to create simple, easy to follow programs that get you to specific goals (like health and happiness) through holistic means. We create guidelines for YOUR goals, and personalize the methods, so you get holistic solutions to your specific problems.
The Importance of the “Holistic” in Health, Happiness & Goals
Every problem, be it health or relationships, and every solution, whether it’s professional development or positive feelings, breaks down into steps that are categorized by our 4 Districts or “MEEP”.
Mental awareness
Emotional Wellbeing
Energetic Frequency
Physical Presence
After almost a decade and a half of research, it’s simple for us to apply this framework to your specific goals and create step-by-step instructions to get you to your biggest dreams — easily. When we approach your goals (any goal) in this manner, every activity you do makes the others easier. Gratitude is a very important part of this method.
We formulate a piggy-back system, where each of our methods fortify and make every other activity stronger on you path to your dreams. So that you can get there easily and sustainably no matter how big these goals are.

Science or Spirituality: Where does Happiness fit?
From that measurement we can look and see, conclusively, what types of spiritual/traditional methods WORK and which ones do not. Gratitude is coming. Just wait.
The reason holistic health isn’t a major focus of scientific discovery is that, given the breadth (the all-encompassing nature of it), it doesn’t fit into a linear model the way sickness does. We can make a succinct conclusion about whether someone has a disease or not, and deduce the correlations (what caused it or cured it). Can you imagine trying to do that with health, happiness, thankfulness & fulfillment? That’s traditionally been the role of spirituality, tradition, things that surpass linear rationale. It’s almost almost impossible to study cause and effect of these kinds of life goals, BUT they are something that we can measure.
We’ve broken HAPPINESS down into 4 Major Pillars that fit within the 4 Districts of all our programs.
Your health, happiness, success, and satisfaction are all the SUM of your MASS:
Mindset +
Alignment +
Spirituality +
When you’ve identified your specific goals, we can uproot your unique needs. From here, it’s simple to use our holistic health methods to create happiness, success, and even belonging through our unique programs designed to take big massive goals, and break them down into easy to follow steps.
The Importance & Power of Gratitude in Life
Let’s take an example – the BIG goal of happiness.
We break it down into 4 parts, or pillars, based on science and our Districts.
- Productive Mindset or professional development.
- Proper Alignment or Holistic Health
- Relationships & Self-care – your connection with other people and yourself
- Confidence & Creativity – your energy & connection to Spirit (your highest self)
We know that all these four areas need to be fulfilled in order to be happy. Simple, right? No. Just knowing these things doesn’t mean that you can snap your fingers and open the life of your dreams.
That’s where the importance of Gratitude steps in.
One of the data-backed traditional practices we have made fun is: gratefulness. Gratitude is amazing. It’s widely becoming recognized by the scientific community as the most effective practice for stimulating feelings of happiness.
Drs. Blair & Rita Justice, (of the University of Texas) report “a growing body of research shows that gratitude is truly amazing in its physical and psychosocial benefits” (KindredMedia). “Amazing” is not a word scientists use very often. They do so here because it is just that: awe-inspiring in its efficacy.
We employ gratitude to help us develop some the most important Personal Powers necessary to get to your goals in every one of our unique Districts.

Physical Effects of Gratitude
Dr. Robert A. Emmons has largely spearheaded the study of the effects of gratitude on mental & emotional wellbeing. Among the outcomes they hadn’t anticipated were the benefits of gratitude that extended beyond feeling better to actually doing better.
Want to be fitter? Their research found that those doing gratitude practices were more likely to exercise more (1.5 hours more each week on average). The effects also branched out beyond the participants to those around them.
Want better relationships? The participants offered more kindness and were more emotional supportive; the spouses of the participants showed greater levels of relationship satisfaction.
Take the Emotional Archetype Quiz to find out what you need to get HAPPY!
This quiz will show you what needs to be developed in order for you, specifically, to get happy.
Which one are you?
“the Conscious Creator”
“the Vibrant Viber”
“the Courageous Carer” or
“the Wellness Warrior”
After you take the quiz, you’ll receive your info and free, unique resources on how to get to your goals.
Want health, happiness & peace? Gratitude has been shown to positively affect sleep patterns, and greatly lessen anxiety and depression. It increases levels of dopamine and activates the hypothalamus — which leads to overall wellness, better metabolism, and energy production (PsychologyToday).
Want self-esteem and confidence? If you’re a Vibrant Viber, this can dramatically affect your ability to feel good about yourself and cultivate confidence.
Want professional development? It’s also been proven to increase your ability to think clearly, heightens memory, decision making, and overall brain function.
Want to make an impact? If you’re a Conscious Creator, the benefits of a gratitude practice on your goals could be infinite (Berkeley).
Get Happy, Whole, feel Thankful & do Good
I started UpRoots Wellness & the Sustainable Dreams University because I KNEW what I needed to do to be happy, but I didn’t have any idea HOW. After 10 years of obsessively researching I still hadn’t figured it out. It took another 3 years of developing data-backed methods, that work, I left my academic career to bring them to you here.
How do we do it? We use a number of scientifically accredited methods to achieve each aspect of your goals holistically. We take your specific goal and we apply a holistic model to achieving it.
Whether you’re a Conscious Creator, Vibrant Viber, Courageous Carer, or Wellness Warrior, there will be an aspect of Mindset, Alignment, Spirit Connection & Self-Care involved in getting you happy.
Your happiness still depends on MEEP because it is still the SUM of MASS!
So we lead you through each District:
Mental Awareness
Energetic Frequency
Emotions’ System
Physical Presence
Developing your Personal Powers:
We only use data-backed methods and this Autumn, we have pulled out a powerhouse of a resource. This fall we are bringing you a brand new therapy called a “GRATi.”
We’ve developed the whole line of “GRATi Packs” to get you to all of your happiness goals. If you guessed that we use the awesome force of gratitude, you are right!
“If you’ve forgotten the language of gratitude, you’ll never be on speaking terms with happiness” —Anonymous
So let’s get you started! If you haven’t already, get the quiz and start your free resources today! We developed a program based on the Berkeley curriculum and we’ll give you access to a tonne of it for free today.