4 of the Most Common Emotional Blocks to Weight Loss & how to Clear them.

I’m so glad that the weight loss industry is finally acknowledging the role mindset and emotions play in losing weight and adopting healthy habits. What is little understood is how the mental-emotional sphere influences our energy levels, and what we create with our actions. Emotions that get stuck within us become part of our vibe […]

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The Difference between Self-Love & Self-Care for Health| Holiday Edition

Every holiday arrives, with its host of delicious goodies and treats, presenting us a very strange dichotomic question: “What’s more important to me — my happiness or my health?” This holiday I want to briefly explain the difference between self-love and self-care when it comes to food. Then I’ll wish you a very merry season […]

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The Importance of Gratitude in Life: Holistic Health, Benefits & Happiness

Holistic Health: the notion of the massive concept should ignite you. We have been collectively addressing “health” as “the absence of disease,” but it has much more importance and worthy of gratitude than that. Holistic health shows us that in reality, wellness is a measure of vibrancy, vitality, and exuberance — it’s a measure of […]

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What is Holistic Health? Weight Loss, WholeHearted Living & Wellness

What is “Holistic Health”? Why is it so popular? What makes it any different than traditional healthcare? This is where we get tripped up, and why it’s so hard for many of us to understand “holistic” wellness at first: “Health” is more than the absence of disease. What we currently call “healthcare” is more accurately […]

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Weight Loss Blogger Weighs in: Appetite vs. Hunger — How to Heal Your Relationship with Food and Lose Weight

[dropcap]E[/dropcap]nough has been said about diet to make anyones (even a weight loss blogger’s) head spin. What a certain diet promises rarely (if ever) pans out in the data long term. Why is that? What happens when you can’t tell the difference between appetite vs. hunger? Or worse, when your appetite — your desire for […]

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